August 26, 2012 by akhilendra
How To Get Traffic From Facebook For Your Blog
There are more than 950 million users on Facebook right now. They are exchanging messages, tips and sharing material like articles, videos etc. Material which gets shared by many of them is considered to be gone viral. When you say many on Facebook, you basically mean at least thousands of people. So when something goes viral, it can actually go way above your expectations. Marketing practices meant to push something to go viral is called viral marketing.
Facebook Traffic is a very good option especially for new blogs which are still optimizing their blogs for search engines.
Viral marketing term is often used in context of online media especially, Facebook. Do you remember that famous song ‘Kolavari Di’ (Indian Song); it received maximum hits on Youtube. That means you are talking about millions of hits. I am sure neither most of the blogs aspire that nor their hosting accounts can support that (Sorry for being cynical).
But if you dream of making it big in online world then it’s less about search engine traffic and it is more about social media marketing in current circumstances.
Social media marketing is the key concept and Facebook is at the center of it. You should optimize your site for search engines but you should also optimize your site for social networking sites. You should carefully design your posts in order to get maximum sharing.
How to use Facebook to drive traffic to your blog
I am sure if you are using internet, then you use Facebook. But the question is how? Do you just go ahead and send friend invitations to everyone or these are only friends and family members. It is important for you to socialize with the people in your niche.
Facebook is not ideal for socializing with the people from your niche and Twitter & Google+ provide better platform to do this but you cannot afford to ignore Facebook.
So, first thing which you should do after opening your Facebook account is create your Facebook Fan page.
There is more than enough material on internet about how to set up your Facebook Fan page and I am not looking to increase that.
But you need to understand that you should not go ahead with Facebook Marketing unless until you have got everything at place because “No Positive Impression” mean Negative Impression.
So nothing more about that but to reiterate few important points which you should make sure that they working in your favor are;
Designing your Facebook Timeline Header
You need to make sure that your Facebook Timeline Header is well designed and optimized for your visitor. Header is the first thing which and visitor will see on your fan page. It is very important to design it well so that you can grab visitor’s attention. This is a crucial part of your facebook marketing strategy.
Your Blog’s Information on Facebook Timeline Header
You also need to make sure that your blog’s information is displayed in the Timeline header so that visitor is able to see your website’s address and description. If your aim is to drive traffic from Facebook fan page to your website then it is imperative you do it.
Your website information will appear in the left hand side in your header. So give a brief description of your website, don’t make it too long. Idea is to inform them in such a way where they get interested in your website and click on it.
If it is too long then they may not read it all or if it is too short and doesn’t provide adequate information then even if they read it, it is not going to serve its purpose.
So pay special attention to this section.
Email Marketing Through Facebook Fan Page
Subscription form for email marketing is provided at your Facebook Fan page. It is a very good way of increasing your subscription. They should be able to sign up using Facebook Details. Don’t make it too loud; just make sure that users are able to easily locate it on your Facebook Fan page. You should also try to give away some freebies with your subscription like a Free EBook. If you don’t have a one, try buying some PLR product which you can distribute. Email marketing is a very good way of getting permanent visitors for your website and apart from using your website to collect subscription, you should also use Facebook Fan page to do it.
If you are not using an email auto-responder then you should start using it. I have been using Aweber and their services are really good. They are economical too. They provide subscription form for your Facebook Fan page which you can use there to collect email ids.
Don’t just share or like your own material, search for pages within same niches and be active on them. When you participate on other pages, you will get noticed and so as your Facebook page. So search for the Fan pages which are related to your niche. You can do it by using the Facebook Search function.
So if your website is about weight loss, search weight loss or fat loss in Facebook Search. It will return you the list of Facebook Fan pages on this subject. You should start with fan pages with higher number of likes. Many pages do not allow visitors to post or sharing of links. So you will have to do some research on this. Once you are able to find few pages where you can go and participate their discussion, start doing that.
Make sure your interaction doesn’t start with sharing your own link. Join the current discussions on them. Try to contribute positively. You should focus on creating an impression rather than asking straight away to visit your fan page or website.
Post Promote
This is a new feature from Facebook where you can promote your posts. So if you have got more than 400 likes, then you can get it enabled. Once you have got it enabled, you can select ‘Promote’ under any post and then configure your budget and other settings to promote it. Promote is a very good feature for businesses.
These promoted posts would be available in the news feeds of people who have liked you. It is a very good of staying in the news feed for longer duration which itself is great deal because there are so many activities that your post may get lost as soon as it appears in the news feed of your subscriber.
It is currently not available everywhere so try it and check if it is available in your region.
It is important you consider Facebook Traffic as a vital source of traffic for your blog. It can definitely change your fortune if you can get it right.
If you are new to social media marketing, then I will recommend FBInfluence to learn Facebook marketing and how to develop strategies for promoting your Facebook fan page and building a community around it.
You cannot achieve everything in one day but if you try and achieve something every day, then one fine day, you will have everything.">GMkting OficialPage - October 2, 2012 @ 10:02 pm
Interesting article, thanks for sharing! Andrés Henao #GospelMarketing.">Enstine Muki - September 8, 2012 @ 10:51 pm
Hi bro,
I think the Promote feature is what I have learned here. It sounds interesting so I’m off to check it out.">Kushal Azza - August 31, 2012 @ 5:08 pm
Thank for the post, wonderful info on facebook traffic.. also thanks for the “post promote” info, I was not aware about this.
Kushal Azza">akhilendra - August 31, 2012 @ 5:17 pm
Post Promote is a new offering from facebook so probably that’s why.">Vikas Bhatt - August 26, 2012 @ 6:30 pm
Getting Traffic from Facebook is very easy, you just need to use the proper strategy to get the most out of it. Special thanks for sharing yours..!!">akhilendra - August 26, 2012 @ 7:29 pm
Thanks Vikas for sharing your thoughts, People often struggle to get the correct strategy.