Stock idea- Adani Enterprises

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In this phase of bear market, having a long term view is very important.  Markets are expected to roam in the same range for next few months. We have seen  how markets have risen and fallen for few hundred points in one day, So one can  simply make and break the fortune in one day but there are few stocks which  deliver good return over a period of next few months.

Adani Enterprises is one stock which can deliver good return in next few  months. One need to understand that these are not short term bets though they  can deliver good returns in short term also if markets does well.  If you are  able to get returns in short term then exit and can again enter if it falls in  the future. They are basically meant for short long term and with a vision of  minimum one year.

Adani Power and Mundra Ports & SEZ, which are the subsidiary companies of  the group has helped company to unlock great value in infrastructure segment.  Adani Enterprises looks very good from fundamental as well as Technical point of  few. They are in coal mining also which is expected to contribute to their  earnings. Their business segments and model will help them in increasing their  earnings.

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