Future of IT shares in India

Future of IT shares in India-USA is again going through tough times or rather it can be said that it is still struggling to come out of the financial crisis which started in 2008. US debt crisis are still haunting US economy and companies across the country are finding it hard to sail through it. Recent events related to it have worsened the situation. S&P and china has already downgraded the USA and it has further added the fuel to the raging debate of its ability to come out of it, at least in the near future.

Future of IT shares in India depends upon various companies across USA which are struggling and layoffs and expenses cut down has become a routine measures to control the situation. Amidst of all the happening in the USA, one another country which is already struggling with high rates of inflation and turbulent socio-economic situation is, India. Though situation in India is a lot different than USA, but right now Indian economy and especially Indian stock markets are influenced by the happenings in USA.

Futures of IT shares in India also contribute to the GDP of the country.Indian IT companies do contribute significantly to Indian economy and they are one of the favorites among the stock investors in India. They have consistently delivered good returns to the investors. But looking at the current scenario in USA and Europe, it is not very hard to predict that coming days for Indian IT companies are going to be considerable tougher than previous days.


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