June 1, 2013 by akhilendra
Best WordPress Related Post Plugins
Do you want to show related posts below each posts in your blog?
Related posts helps a lot by displaying related posts based on categories and posts below your posts. They definitely help in increasing the retention of the visitors on your blog therefore reducing your bounce rates.
You might be working hard on SEO and social media marketing to acquire traffic but if you are receiving only single page visits where visitors leave after visiting single post then you are losing out on a great opportunity.
You can significantly increase the engagement level by showing related posts. If you are using wordpress, then showing these related post is fairly easy. You just have to use some plugin to do that.
Most of these wordpress related post plugins are free and extremely easy to use.
You just have to configure few details and you are ready to go.
One side effect of showing related posts is the fact that it may take a toll on your page speed. But if you are using caching method along with cloudflare and MaxCDN, then you can easily compensate for that.
There are primary two ways related posts are shown by wordpress related post plugins;
- List of posts with thumbnails.
- Related posts with thumbnails.
This is the list of Best Related Posts Plugin and plugins which can be used for Related Post Widget also.
Best WordPress Related Post Plugins
Outbrain – outbrain is full-fledged service provider which is used by many websites, which are not using wordpress, to show related posts on their website. You can find outbrain wordpress related post plugin to display related post from your blog. If you want you can also show related posts from around the world. You get to access a popular post widget also which can be used to show popular post in your sidebar. Outbrain wordpress related post plugin is free and you can show posts with or without thumbnails based on your preferences.
nRelate Related Content – nRelate is one of most popular wordpress related post plugin. With nrelate related content plugin, you can display related post content in four ways;
- Automatically display before or after each post.
- Use shortcodes to display related posts within a post.
- Use widget to display it anywhere in your blog.
- Place the nrelate_related() function in your theme files.
Yet Another Related Post Plugin – it is another wordpress related post plugin which is quite popular among bloggers. It is easy to configure and shows related posts.
WP Thumbie – it is also quite popular and shows related posts with thumbnails. You can also post excerpts with title. Layout is clean and widget look quite attractive. Though at times, bloggers complain that related posts shown are not always relevant but sometime, random also.
WordPress Related Post plugin – it is highly customizable with statics of clicks and also works well on mobile devices. Like other wordpress related post plugins, it also shows thumbnails in related posts.
WordPress Related Post Plugins Conclusion
WordPress related post plugins are extremely useful. I prefer to show list posts instead of posts with thumbnails. As mentioned earlier, if you are not taking comprehensive measures like using maxcdn with wordpress, then related posts may impact your page speed.
But they are extremely good for increase page views and the kind of benefit they provide, it worth taking that risk.
Please share your views and the name of wordpress related post plugin which you are using.
gazeboandbalihutsuperstore.com.au">Simona - July 15, 2013 @ 1:03 pm
I`ve noticed that after I enjoy reading a blog post, I tend to click on related posts and stay on page as long as it keeps me interested. I wholeheartedly recommend using Related Post Plugins in order to do that, even if you have to deal with a minor consequence, that being slower speed. Thank you for investing time in describing the pros and cons of every plugin.
shypal.com">palvinder singh - June 27, 2013 @ 9:14 pm
really nice post ..!
Plugins are the additional support to the website..
but can you suggest me a better plugin to place google adsense adds .
it will be really nice of you…
https://akhilendra.com">akhilendra - June 28, 2013 @ 6:19 am
Hey Palvinder, you can use easy adsense which is free and currently i am using it on my blog, let me know if you have any question.
vecc24.com">Dan - June 22, 2013 @ 3:25 pm
Quite a summary you have here. Those seem to be great post plugins for people that want to use them. O am sure that a lot of people will find this information very useful. Thanks for sharing this with us. Keep up the good work in the future and do more articles similar to this one!
bidadarivillasubudbali.com">Fatima - June 20, 2013 @ 8:12 pm
Plugins always provide an additional support to the website and has positive impact on users. The more uplugins you have the more user friendly your site becomes. Thanks for sharing.
yourfantasticbackyard.com.au">Aayna - June 12, 2013 @ 7:24 am
The WordPress plugins are indeed a significant tool for the purpose of making the content viral and even boost the strength online. This is a great list, thanks for sharing it.
yourgardengazebo.com.au">Vianney - June 8, 2013 @ 2:36 pm
Very nice post! just exactly what I need, I am looking for a long time regarding this kind of topic, luckily you have all what I am looking for. Thank you for the post!