September 18, 2011
What is investing
What is investing is the first question comes to our mind when we think of saving and investing in today’s world. In today’s world when inflation is consistently hovering in upper region. Investing is imperative to save and grow your money. Investing mean many things for many different investors. Some simply prefer to save money and keep it in their saving account and are happy with the interest rate which they get on that.
What is investing will have a different answer from these investors where as there are other who put their money in old methods of investments like Gold and Real Estate. Investing for beginners most of the time revolve around these things but now things are changing and they are changing quite rapidly.
What is investing will simply mean investing in stock market for the new age investors. They primarily invest in shares and mutual fund. They don’t prefer to keep their money locked in some saving accounts. But the question still remain there; what is investing and what is the best way of investing.
Modern portfolio theory in this context should be to maintain a healthy proportion of all of these investment tools. From keeping money into saving accounts to investing in share market and mutual funds. Investing in gold and real estate still holds very much importance is very popular among new age investors as well.
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