Do you still need search engines?

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search engine vs social networking sites

Do you still need search engines?

Do you still need search engines like Google to promote your website or online business? Last few years have been clearly dominated by social media sites and before that, it was search engines. We are living in an internet age so anything which dominate internet becomes a rage and a necessity for those who depends upon it. When search engines were dominating the plane, everyone was trying hard to optimize their websites for search engine and this practice of optimizing provided an additional boost to the search engines.

People who wanted instant traffic went for paid advertising like Pay per click program. So gradually giants like Google became a networking site where someone went and registered with Adword to show their ads and at the same time someone went and registered with AdSense and they showed these ads on their sites. So Google became an intermediary where by dominating search engine space, it created a need for online entrepreneurs.

This trend also helped many small seo companies and entrepreneurs who launched their services relating to search engine optimization but they were primarily targeting Google.  But since the launch of Facebook, things have been changing gradually.  Now it’s less about the cumbersome process of on page optimization, keyword stuffing or manipulating backlinks and more about social media marketing.

Though many still consider that as a part of search engine optimization but I think social media marketing is an entirely different ball game. It is more focused on creating your brand by showcasing your content in an acceptable manner and is more realistic than ever before. Probably that is why it so popular among the internet marketers.

So today a website doesn’t depends upon the number of back links they have acquired or the way they created content for their site and they can focus upon their core business. So a real estate company can easily create facebook fan page and promote that to get their customers rather than manipulating things in their website to attract search engines. We all know that search engine optimization does require doing things which are not natural and at times not related to the core business of the company or individual.

Today ecommerce is more about social media marketing and less about search engines and therefore even Google has been pushing hard Google+ which is their social networking product.  Today people spend more time on social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter or Google+ than any other thing. They are even using them to search things which they need. Facebook has expanded enormously and it is gradually taking ecommerce in a different direction altogether.

Though it would be incorrect to say that Search engines are no more relevant right now but wind is definitely blowing in the direction of social media networking and that looks like the future.

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  1.">ADG Online Solutions - April 16, 2012 @ 11:15 am

    Thank you
    The information you shared is very informative Pay per Click Services

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