Learning Computer File Structure

The easiest way to understand a file system is to think of it as similar to a library’s index card system. In a library, all books are grouped together according to topics. Additionally, each book is given a specific code or index number, that will make it easier to find among other books. For a computer, a file system works in a similar manner. All your data is stored in a specific location within a physical disk. A file system keeps a master database of the location of every file, or its address so that the file is easy to retrieve should you, a software program, or an operating system request it. There are many types of file systems available. Each has advantages and disadvantages depending on the task the computer programmer has designed the system for, as you’ll learn below.

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Dreamweaver CS6 Review

PHP is one of the most widely used programming languages in the world today. PHP is widely used along with HTML, CSS & Javascript to create websites of all kinds. In fact, most of the websites in current worlds are created using these technologies like Facebook.

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PHP Basics Part 4-Array Guide

In this chapter, we are going to go through PHP arrays, for loop, while loop and other related aspects of PHP. We have already covered some ground including php basics, variables and functions.

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PHP Basics Part 2-Learn Variables

In the previous post of PHP basics part 1, we have gone through the php definition, details, how to set up a php development php variablesregion and broad level syntax details. In this php basic part 2, we are going to dive further and take a look at some of the most important aspects of php.

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