January 31, 2012 by sunshine
How Do You Do a Microbiology Science Fair Project?
How Do You Do a Microbiology Science Fair Project? Many science students would be more than willing to know the answer. In preparing for a microbiology science fair project, students have a wealth of materials available to help them prepare for the project from science kits to games, books and toys. All these materials used in combination with imagination and creativity help the student gain an edge in a science fair project. In preparing for a science fair project, there are certain specific steps that need to be followed for the project to be a success. These steps include asking the question, conducting background research, constructing a hypothesis, testing the hypothesis through an experiment, data analysis and drawing a conclusion and presentation of the results.
Asking the Question
The scientific method begins with a question and one of the most important considerations lies in selecting a science fair project topic that will be interesting. The topic has to be interesting for the student who will spend long hours working on it, as well as for the audience that will view it. There are online sites like Science Buddies designed to help students select interesting topics for science fair projects.
Conducting Background Research
An educated guess is what the hypothesis is all about; it is a surmise about how things will work. For example, if this is done, then this will result. The hypothesis needs to take into consideration two things: finding an answer to the original question asked and easily measuring the findings to produce a result.
Experimenting to Test the Hypothesis
An experiment has to be conducted to test the veracity of the hypothesis. Testing has to be conducted fairly and without bias. The best way to ensure that the test is a fair one is to perform the experiment repeatedly, changing one variable at a time and keeping all other variables and conditions constant.
Data Analysis and Conclusion
Upon completion of the experiment, all data needs to be collected and analyzed to test whether the hypothesis is true or false. Repeating the entire experiment to verify the results is recommended.
Communicating the Results
The results of the experiment will need to be presented on a display board in an interesting and colorful manner. The results of the microbiology science fair project may also be communicated in a report divided into various colorful sections.
Author Byline: Madeline Binder is an active proponent of personal growth and enhancement. Her writing provides people with simple to follow guidance on how to learn and evolve as an individual. Though her science fair site she offers kids the opportunity to explore,learn about, and create the best, innovative microbiology science fair projects that they can image!