Should you use Bing Webmaster Tool?

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Bing Webmaster ToolShould you use Bing Webmaster Tool? It is a very interesting question if you have been using Google Webmaster tool for some time and are familiar with that. Google Webmaster tool have been one of the most widely used webmaster tool on the planet among webmasters. It provides excellent data about the search engine optimization level of your website. And if you are new to this field, then I will suggest having a look on both of these webmaster tools. But if you are happy with Google webmaster tool and not in a mood to change that then I will say you are missing on a very good free tool available to webmasters.

Bing Webmaster tool has been in the industry for last few years but it was revamped couple of years ago. Since then Bing has been making regular updates and currently it is wonderfully designed tool. It provides extensive comprehensive information about your search engine optimization levels with detail reports with attractive and easy to understand graphs.

Bing webmaster is extremely helpful for beginners as it provides very good collection of articles on SEO. You can use them to learn SEO or any other related information.  It has got a good user interface with following controls on Menu;

  • Sitemaps
  • Submit URLs
  • Ignore URL Parameters
  • Crawl Control
  • Deep Links
  • Block URLs
  • Disavow Links
  • Verify Ownership
  • Users
  • Page Traffic
  • Index Explorer
  • Search Keywords
  • SEO Reports
  • Inbound Links
  • Crawl Information
  • Keyword Research
  • Link Explorer
  • Fetch as Bingbot
  • Markup Validator
  • SEO Analyzer

Bing Webmaster tool

I love most of its features like SEO Analyzer which provides information about SEO violations on your webpage. SEO Report is also a very good tool which provides information about errors on your webpage along with their severity, error count, number of pages and description. For example, if there are webpages with missing ALT tags, it will give you a description of this along with page count, severity and number of errors.

As it doesn’t cost you anything using Bing Webmaster tool, I will suggest you to use it for a while. Their tips and messages are really great and helpful in improving your search engine ranking. Bing along with Yahoo still holds good amount of search engine space. As everyone has been targeting Google and it is highly overcrowded, I think targeting Bing may be a very good way of avoiding all of that competition.

It doesn’t mean that Bing Webmaster tool is only good for optimizing your site for Bing. Most of the search engine rationales are universal and more or less, applicable to all search engines. So along with using Google Webmaster tool, if you can use Bing Webmaster tool also, it will definitely help in you in bring more traffic for your website and better understanding of Bing.


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#bing webmaster review

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