Child future plan from LIC

Child future plan from LIC is specially designed to meet the increasing educational, marriage and other needs of growing children. It provides the risk cover on the life of child not only during the policy term but also during the extended term (i.e. 7 years after the expiry of policy term). A number of Survival benefits are payable on surviving by the life assured to the end of the specified durations.

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Currency Future in India

Indian rupee has seen some of its toughest time in recent past. Rupee has lost 13 per cent this year itself and most of it has been in last few weeks or months. Till some time back RBI was saying that currency quotes are controlled by currency trading in India. But now fear is growing among corporate India. The way rupee is weakening, it doesn’t look like that it is going to stop in near term.

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ELSS to stop after DTC

Equity linked Saving schemes has been one of the most favorite tax saving investment instrument for the lot of people in India. Especially, educated working class have been quite fond of it. ELSS come with a three year locking period. This time allow invested capital to grow and they were yielding great returns since last few years.

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