November 15, 2013 by akhilendra
Best Social Media Marketing Plugins for WordPress
WordPress is one of the best content management system and plugins add great value to it. There are wordpress plugins for each task and activity. SEO and social media marketing are one of the most important activities for your website promotion.
If you are looking for the best seo plugins for wordpress, click here.
Social media marketing is one of the biggest traffic source for websites. It is fairly easy to handle seo and social media marketing in wordpress. There are numerous plugins to do that.
One of the biggest problem in selecting social media or bookmarking plugin is the simple fact that they tend to reduce the page speed of your website.
Most of these plugins are loaded while your webpage is loaded therefore they tend to slow down your website. If you want to see how your current social media wordpress plugins is impacting your page, then simply visit google page speed. You can run the test and see it yourself.
In this list, I have tried to talk about plugins which are relatively better for page speed.
Social media marketing is crucial but so as page speed. Therefore try to get better social media marketing plugins for wordpress.
Best Social Media Marketing Plugins For WordPress
Digg Digg WordPress Plugin for Social Sharing
It is one of the best wordpress social media bookmarking plugin. It displays all popular social sharing plugins like Facebook, Twitter,Google+, Pinterest etc. It offers great customization options. You can display horizontal and vertical social sharing icons in your wordpress blog. It is one of the most famous plugin for adding floating social icons in your wordpress blogs. It also offer lazy loading of social icons which is extremely helpful in ensuring page speed.
Facebook Social Plugin
It is created by none other than Facebook itself. As it is a facebook social plugin, it doesn’t include other social media sites like Twitter and Google+. You can use it add Like and Recommend buttons along with Send Button. You can also add recommended posts along with Facebook comment. It is a good plugin with bunch of additional features like automatic updates to your facebook account in case of a new post on your wordpress blog.
Lazy Social Buttons
Lazy is one of the best wordpress social media plugin. it loads small social media buttons. It is a wonderful plugin which protects your page speed also. As suggested by the name, Lazy social buttons are loaded after your webpage is loaded. So it is quite useful in adding social icons without affecting page speed. It is created by Godaddy. It also comes with additional features.
Twitter Facebook Social Share
It is another sleek plugin which can add social sharing icons above and below post along with floating social sharing buttons. It is also quite popular and doesn’t impact webpage loading time.
It is one of the best plugin to add social icons in your wordpress blog and posts. It also follow principal of loading social icons after web page is loaded. It also include animated effects like first social icons are loaded and when user hover over these social icons, they display numbers. You can insert social icons within your posts using shortcodes which can be added from your post menu section.
Best Social Media Marketing Plugins for WordPress Conclusion
You can add beautiful social media buttons to bookmark your post and share content on social media sites but page speed is a crucial factor in current rankings on Google. You should also pay attention to that. If a web page is taking too long to load then it will have an adverse impact on the user experience.
If user experience is bad, it will result in bigger issues and nobody will share your content. Therefore you should use plugins which doesn’t kill user experience.
If you know any other plugin which is good for page speed and also provide good features.You should also use seo plugins like SEOPressor add twitter card and facebook opengraph to social media marketing.">Rashmi - June 28, 2014 @ 5:37 am
Amazing stuff friend… I like U r stuff and i follow your blogs.. keep it up… thanks for sharing this usefule stuff…