Cell Phones and the Elderly

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The pressures of today’s society dictate much about the way our society functions. Everyone, including the elderly, is much more mobile than our ancestors were. With that said and with the advent of new technology within the last two decades, it is easy to see why society is so dependent on their cell phones. Everyone realizes that in order to stay connected with family, friends, and employers, we must and do depend on our cell phones.

No longer just a toy for the younger generation, the cell phone is a necessity for the elderly too! Many of today’s seniors are going back in the work force and must rely on their cell phones, for contact with their employers, while they are on the move. In addition, it is very important for the elderly to have a cell phone when traveling to and from their job for safety reasons. If one was to breakdown or have a flat on the way to work, they can utilize the cell phone for road assistance. Also, they can notify their employer that they will either be late for work or will not be in work at all.

In addition, a cell phone is also a way for the elderly shut-in to have connection with the outside world. Many times, it is much more cost effective to have a cell phone plan that has unlimited minutes included so those who do not get a chance to see family or friends often can still stay in touch with those loved ones on a consistent basis. It is nice to know, that when on a limited fixed income, the elderly do not have to worry each time they pick up the phone, that their phone bill at the end of the month will be outrageous. The elderly may often times not pick up the phone and call a family member about a medical concern because they know they cannot afford the call, so they suffer in silence. That is a shame, and there is a simple remedy for that situation. If a senior does not care to have an unlimited plan, they can opt for a flat fee plan or a prepaid plan that includes a limited amount of minutes. That way, in the event of an emergency, the phone is available for such use. For a very small fee, the elderly can feel confident that they will be able to contact help if the need should arise.

Before entering into any cell phone contracts, all seniors should do their homework. Go online and visit the websites of several cell phone companies to compare rates and available plans for your area. Also, ask around to family, friends, and neighbors to see what plans those you know and trust currently have. Remember to find out both the pros and cons of each person’s cell phone service plan so you can make an educated decision when the time comes to purchase your own plan.Answering Services in Philadelphia work with the elderly to supply cell phones.

Finally yet importantly, do not overlook organizations in which a senior may be a member of because membership in those organizations may afford the elderly a substantial discount on a cell phone plan. Many groups such as AAA and AARP as well as many employers or former employers such as the postal service offer large discounts to members who sign up for cell plans through their respective organizations. By signing up through one of these or many other organizations out there, one could anticipate a cell phone plan savings of anywhere from 15% to 25% for the life of the contract. In the end, this decision would be not only a wise safety decision, but also a cost effective decision for the elderly.


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#Cell Phones and the Elderly


  1. Rissa - April 18, 2012 @ 11:56 pm

    This is sooo true what you are writing.. but for the elderly you dont need to spend money on contract cellphones. Save there.. thats the right spot to budget and save. So many phones are designed specifically for seniors and the elderly and I think that while some people want complex phones… there are ones that are great for those with hearing and sight problems. I mean for example there is the svc which is literally called the senior value cellphone for those reasons. Its like 7 dollars a month or something anD EXTREMELY compatiable for seniors. I mean my grandmother can actually hear me when she uses her phone! its like a samsung115 or something if you want to research it .. but it really is great and thank goodness she has a cellphone in case of an emergency or something! its got that 911 assist thingy too.

  2. movilpacks.es">Moviles libres - April 11, 2012 @ 9:43 am

    Everyone realizes that in order to stay connected with family, friends, and employers, we must and do depend on our cell phones.

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