Advantages of Joining a LinkedIn Group

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linkedin marketingLinkedIn is the world’s leading social network for professionals. Currently, it boasts over 100 million users from different countries all over the world. Having a LinkedIn account offers a great opportunity of networking with other professionals, finding work and even driving traffic to your blog. However, many people sign up for an account, and do nothing else afterwards. To make the most of your LinkedIn account, you need to join and participate in groups which are relevant to your niche. There are groups for almost every profession imaginable, ranging from wedding planners to legal services.

Here are some of the advantages of joining a LinkedIn group:

1. Networking

Being connected with other people is one of the best ways of staying informed of recent developments and opportunities in your industry. However, to receive valuable information, you should also be willing to share something useful with others. Joining LinkedIn groups offers you the opportunity of sharing ideas with other professionals in your niche. When people appreciate your contribution, they are likely to reciprocate.

2. Traffic generation

Joining a LinkedIn group offers a great way of driving traffic to your blog. However, avoid spamming group members since you will end up losing their trust. Instead, you need to ensure that your links are posted with great discretion. For instance, if one of the group members wants information on a particular subject, you could offer a link to blog post which would be helpful. As a result, you will be able to drive more traffic to your blog.

3. Building credibility

Building credibility in your niche is one of the best ways of increasing your blog’s readership. Joining a LinkedIn group offers you a chance of sharing valuable information on your niche. With time, others will begin recognizing you as an expert in the industry. Consequently, people are likely to visit your blog to learn more, and might also want to purchase your products and services.

4. Community building

Having your own LinkedIn group offers you the opportunity of building a community of people with similar interests. You will need to determine the objective of the group, as well as the criteria for membership. Besides creating a forum for interaction, launching a LinkedIn group also gives you chance to display your leadership skills. If your skills are exceptional, someone might take note and offer new work opportunities.

5. Targeted communication

Targeting the right audience is a very important element for successful marketing. If you have a product or service designed for individuals of between 25 to 35 years of age, it would make no sense to send marketing messages to individuals outside this age range. Being part of LinkedIn groups makes it possible for you to reach particular people. For instance, if your blog is about fashion design, you could join a LinkedIn group which consists of fashion designers.


Zubin Kutar is the founder of an internet marketing blog where accomplished writers and bloggers share their tips, strategies and stories. Read some of his inspiring articles and connect with him on Google +.

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  1.">Abhijit Mahida - June 24, 2013 @ 6:59 pm

    Currently,i am not on linkedIn but i am planning to join it after reading your article thanks a lot man..

  2.">Dan - May 8, 2013 @ 1:28 pm

    This particular social networks is your best friend when it comes to business networking. You can really find a lot of work opportunities there and interact with a lot of professionals. Joining it could really mean changing your life. I am working on my account also.

  3.">Leon - May 6, 2013 @ 3:53 am

    I started using Linkedin groups a few months ago and it definitely has grown my website traffic as well as educated me on a thing things from other professionals.

  4.">Simona - May 5, 2013 @ 10:15 pm

    I`ve intended to research more about LinkedIn in a while and I`m glad that I read your post. It covered almost everything that I have wanted to know. I am going to spread the word to my uncle, too. He is the one that I am trying to convince into using LinkedIn. Thanks for the info.

  5.">Makadiya - April 26, 2013 @ 11:38 am

    Great Post man
    LinkedIn is a very useful for the Professional Persons.

  6.">Jeremy Norton - April 24, 2013 @ 2:31 pm

    LinkedIn has been very helpful to me when I was just starting with my job as a freelance writer. I am able to get the best clients to work for through some recommendations from other members.

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