Practicing the Art of Saving

Learn How to Start a Savings Program

Today many people are facing economic hardships, not because they are living beyond their means, but rather because they never learned how to save for a rainy day. A good rule of thumb for businesses is to have enough of a financial cushion to sustain a company for six months to one year. This protects the business against cash flow problems caused by situations beyond their control such as economy down turns, disasters and even personal tragedies. If you do not have this financial cushion protecting your personal finances, then it is a good time to start building your nest egg.

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How Do You Do a Microbiology Science Fair Project?

How Do You Do a Microbiology Science Fair Project? Many science students would be more than willing to know the answer. In preparing for a microbiology science fair project, students have a wealth of materials available to help them prepare for the project from science kits to games, books and toys. All these materials used in combination with imagination and creativity help the student gain an edge in a science fair project. In preparing for a science fair project, there are certain specific steps that need to be followed for the project to be a success. These steps include asking the question, conducting background research, constructing a hypothesis, testing the hypothesis through an experiment, data analysis and drawing a conclusion and presentation of the results.

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What Can Tutors Do For You?

March is a great month to really evaluate the progress that your child is making in school. There are only about three to three and a half months left of the school year so there is still time to correcting learning issues and to catch up with skills before summer break. However, there is little time to waste.

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