Benefits of Using HTML Templates

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benefits of using html templates

Many people are realizing the importance of a website or blog as a tool for sharing information, as well as promoting products and services. However, very few people have the technical knowledge required to build a site or blog for themselves. This is why HTML templates come in very handy for anyone who wants to avoid having to build a site from scratch. These templates are basically pre-built sites which only require one to add content as necessary.

Here are a few of the benefits of using HTML templates:

1. No need for HTML knowledge

Even if you have no understanding of HTML or coding, you can use HTML templates to build a site easily and fast. Once you have downloaded the HTML template, all you need to do is read the instructions and fill in the necessary details. This eliminates the need of having to spend long hours learning the technical details about HTML.

2. Cost/Time

If you want to build a custom designed site but have no knowledge of HTML, you might have to hire a professional web designer to do the work on your behalf. These services might end up costing you several hundreds of dollars. In addition, you might be required to wait for weeks or even months before the site is ready. However, using a HTML template can enable you to create a site within hours, thus saving you a lot of time. It also saves you lots of money since you don’t have to hire the services of an expert. There are several sites that allow you to download free HTML templates, while others offer premium templates for as little as $50.

3. A professional look

HTML templates are created by professional web developers who know what quality web design is all about. Therefore, even if you don’t have any technical knowledge of web design, you can use templates such as MotoCMS HTML templates to build a site with a professional look. Many companies offer templates with useful features such as flash, email IDs, anti-spam features, video and eCommerce features. In addition, HTML templates enable you to build a site with a consistent appearance across all the pages.

4. Browser compatibility

One major benefit of HTML templates is that the HTML code is compatible with most browsers. This means that a HTML site can be accessed and viewed by anyone. This is unlike Flash websites which usually require a browser plug-in to be visible.

5. SEO friendly

Search engine optimization (SEO) is very important for any site. A site which has a high SEO ranking is more visible in search engines, and is therefore likely to attract more traffic. Since the HTML code can be read by almost all the search engines out there, sites which have been designed using HTML templates get indexed much faster. This is unlike Flash-based sites which don’t have much value when it comes to SEO.

6. Easy updating

Once in awhile, you might want to change the design of your site. If you have used a HTML template to build your site, you can easily update the content and appearance of your site. All that is required is to simply edit the template file and apply the changes to all your siteโ€™s pages.


Charles Mburugu has a great passion for sharing blogging and web development tips. At the moment, he is writing for Moto CMS HTML templates

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  1.">Mic johns - July 27, 2013 @ 5:56 pm


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    •">Charles - August 14, 2013 @ 9:51 am

      Hey Mic, glad you found the post helpful. Thanks for stopping by ๐Ÿ™‚

  2.">Emilia - June 22, 2013 @ 1:00 pm

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    •">Charles - August 14, 2013 @ 9:55 am

      You are welcome Emilia! And thanks for spreading the word.

  3.">Joy - June 19, 2013 @ 7:02 am

    Thank goodness! I am not really a fan of HTML, thus I have no idea about it. Thanks to this templates, I no longer have to worry! ๐Ÿ™‚ Kudos!

    •">Charles - August 14, 2013 @ 9:59 am

      Indeed Joy, HTML templates have made things much easier for everyone. Thanks for stopping by.

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