We have already covered many data science and statistical concepts in previous chapters. We will continue with basic and advance data science related statistical concepts with their business applications in this chapter as well. Data Science & Statistical Concepts Skewness Skewness is the measure of the asymmetry or deviation from the symmetry in statistical analysis. […]
Business Analytics Part 8-More Data Science & Statistical Concepts
Business Analytics Part 7- Descriptive Analysis Vs Inferential Analysis
Machine learning courseLearn machine learning and data science with R and python. Learn applied statistics and build models. Click on the button below to learn more. 14 Days full money Refund guarantee. Only $55 (3999 INR) Buy it Now You have already covered good ground if you have been following this tutorial from beginning but if […]
Business Analytics Part 6- Two Way Analysis of variance (ANOVA)
In the last chapter about one way ANOVA, we studied how one way ANOVA is used to measure a variable or output or factor for more than two groups at different interval or level. Suppose we instead of one variable, we have two variables. In that case, we will two way ANOVA. Welcome to part […]
Business Analytics Part 5- One Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
As we have already seen been through t test and f test in previous chapters, it is a good time to look at ANOVA in detail. In this chapter we will go through One Way ANOVA. In the last chapter, we have mentioned that t test for independent variable is equivalent to ANOVA if you […]
Business Analytics Part 4- Analysis of variance (ANOVA)
As mentioned in the first tutorial that these chapters are designed to help you learn and train for SAS Business Analyst certification and other data scientist certifications, we are going to first focus on topics which are more relevant for that and then we will explore the vast ocean of statistical concepts. if you have […]
Business Analytics Part 3- Variables in Hypothesis & Analysis
Welcome to the Part 3 of Business Analytics where we will dive deeper into variables and their application in data science. In this post, we will further see how they are applied in data science for business analytics purpose. In order to do so, we will look at some of the most basic but important […]
Business Analytics Part 2- Data Science Basics with Statistics
Welcome to the 2nd part of our data science, in this post we will learn about the basic concepts of data science and how to get used to the basic concepts before we delve deeper. You can read the first part here. Data science in nutshell is “Statistic” and a data scientist is a “statistician”. […]
Business Analytics Part 1- Data Science or Big Data
Business Analytics, Big Data, Data Science, Data Analytics & Data mining, these are some of the most buzzing words in the current tech world. Data Science has been termed the sexiest job of the 21st century by Harvard . It is going to be biggest job creator for next couple of decades and jobs which […]