January 25, 2019
How to become a Data Scientist or Machine Learning engineer?
Do you want to become a Data Scientist?
Join machine learning & data science course to become a data scientist. Online video course to help you with;
December 19, 2018
How to do KNN with Python & Sci-Kit Learn
KNN or K-nearest neighbor is one of the easiest and most popular machine learning algorithm available to data scientists and machine learning enthusiasts.
November 26, 2018
R Programming Tutorial-R Operators
August 23, 2018
How to Perform ANOVA analysis in R for Marketing
If you answered“Yes” to any of the above question, you need to enroll in this course for Machine learning & data science.
May 19, 2018
Data Exploration in R with GGPLOT2 & Standard Functions
In this post, we are going to perform high level data exploration in R programming language using GGPLOT2 and its standard plotting functions. So if you are looking on information on how to make plots and graphs in R using ggplot2 or standard r functions, you will find this post useful. You can simply change the name of the data sets and other parameters to reuse them for your project.
January 25, 2015
Business Analytics Part 10- Linear Regression Analysis
January 13, 2015
Business Analytics Part 8-More Data Science & Statistical Concepts
We have already covered many data science and statistical concepts in previous chapters. We will continue with basic and advance data science related statistical concepts with their business applications in this chapter as well.
January 5, 2015
Business Analytics Part 7- Descriptive Analysis Vs Inferential Analysis
January 4, 2015
Business Analytics Part 6- Two Way Analysis of variance (ANOVA)
In the last chapter about one way ANOVA, we studied how one way ANOVA is used to measure a variable or output or factor for more than two groups at different interval or level. Suppose we instead of one variable, we have two variables. In that case, we will two way ANOVA.
December 22, 2014
Business Analytics Part 3- Variables in Hypothesis & Analysis
Welcome to the Part 3 of Business Analytics where we will dive deeper into variables and their application in data science. In this post, we will further see how they are applied in data science for business analytics purpose. In order to do so, we will look at some of the most basic but important in data science, hypothesis testing, p-value and t-tests.
December 19, 2014
Business Analytics Part 2- Data Science Basics with Statistics
Welcome to the 2nd part of our data science, in this post we will learn about the basic concepts of data science and how to get used to the basic concepts before we delve deeper.
December 18, 2014
Business Analytics Part 1- Data Science or Big Data
Business Analytics, Big Data, Data Science, Data Analytics & Data mining, these are some of the most buzzing words in the current tech world. Data Science has been termed the sexiest job of the 21st century by Harvard .