Why startups need a social media strategy (and how to create one)

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When you’re launching a startup, one of the biggest challenges is finding new customers and convincing them to care about your brand and what you can offer them. 


Generating traffic leads can be time-consuming. And it can be slow to start with. That’s where social media can help. Social media is one of the most effective tools for marketing. 


Online platforms like Facebook and Twitter are cost-effective and fantastic for lead generation, building brand awareness, and increasing engagement and interactions. 


However, it’s very competitive. Almost all businesses now have social media profiles, and ad spending in the US alone is expected to reach 49 billion USD this year. 


Because of this, you need to have a social media strategy to reach your business goals. Here are some tips to help you build a social media plan and implement it successfully. 

1. Choose the right platforms for your goals 

Once you know what your social media goals and objectives are, you need to create accounts with the platforms that are most suited to what you’re trying to achieve. If you already have profiles, you can also improve them and work on the most relevant ones. 


Each network has its own unique pros and cons, with different audiences and USPs. Make sure you understand what these are so you can make a decision that suits your business. 


After doing this, you should ensure that your social media accounts are up-to-date and include information about your company, contact details, and images. 

2. Build a content plan 

Posting consistently is vital to engaging with your target audience on social media. You need to create a content creation and distribution plan early on – ideally before you start posting content. 


Without a clearly defined set of objectives, your efforts will lack direction. So, make sure you consider who your content is targeted at, what types of content you should publish on your company pages, how frequently you plan to post it, and how it will be promoted. 


For startups, it’s a good idea to use a variety of marketing materials in your content strategy. For example, you could use a combination of blog posts, videos, infographics, presentations, podcasts, live interviews, and other types of content. 


Remember, most of your posts should be designed to entertain or inform your audience rather than to sell to them. The most popular way to do this is by using the 80-20 rule, which means that 20% of your posts would be promotional, and 20% would be informative. 

3. Use marketing and sales tools

When you’re starting a new business, time is precious. There’s a lot to do, so it’s essential to save time where you can and streamline processes. This will give you the opportunity to focus on growing your company and making it a success. 


One way to do this is using an online tool like Buffer, which automates many social media marketing processes, like planning and scheduling campaigns. It also has analytics tools to measure performance and enhance your results. 


Additionally, if you market your business offline, adding your social media profiles to your business cards can increase your online following. If you don’t have any business cards yet, you can create them for free using a tool like BusinessCards.c0


Another essential marketing tool for startups is email marketing automation. Social media and email campaigns can be used together to make your campaigns more effective. 


When starting a business, making sure your idea reaches as many people as possible is a must. By following these tips, you can achieve your business goals. 


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About cinym

Cindy established herself as a full-time freelance writer, and she has not stopped shooting for the stars. She loves to captivate the audience. With a degree and experience in marketing, she is a go-getter and also an avid dog lover.


  1. Absolutely! Turning social media into entertainment is a game-changer for marketing. Thanks for highlighting this creative strategy!

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