Create A Dynamic Website or Blog
If you have been looking to make money online from internet or starting a website, I have written quite a few posts related to that but to sum things up, i m creating this page so that you can get all the consolidated information here.
So here is step by step cheat sheet to create a website using wordpress quickly and efficiently;
Step 1– You need to get a domain name and hosting account in order to set up a blog. Choose a domain which is relevant to your niche. With the latest Google algorithm update EMD (Exact Match Domain) has become irrelevant but try to choose a domain which is still relevant to the topic of your blog and your visitor can easily remember it.
Once you have selected a domain name, you need to register it and get a hosting account for you. Shared hosting is cheap and best for beginners.
Cheap and Best Domain Name Registration and hosting service providers;
- Hostgator
- Godaddy
- inmotion
- iPage
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Useful Readings
Step 2– Now you need to select a content management system, wordpress is the best cms to set up a blog. You can download it free and install it quickly to get going.
Useful readings to install wordpress;
Step 3– If you have followed steps mentioned in the posts mentioned above or used hostgator or Godaddy, then you have easily installed wordpress on your site. Now simply writing posts on your blog won’t yield anything. You need to create a awesome looking blog with additional functionality to convince your visitors to take action which will result in sales and thus, money for you.
Recommended themes for any wordpress blogs are;
Useful Readings
So you need to install following plugins to create a rocking blog. Please note that most of these plugins are free but for some, you have to purchase them. They are not expensive and it worth investing in it if you are looking consistent online income.
- Commentluv
- Covert Copy Traffic
- SEOPressor
- WPSubscribers
- Keyword Winner
- Maxblogpress Ninja Affiliate
- Social Metric Pro
- Seo Friendly Images
- All in One SEO WordPress plugin
- Easy adsense
- Google XML Sitemaps
- WP Robots Txt
- Subscribe To Comment Reloaded
- Twitter Facebook Social Share
- WPTouch
- Ad Square Widget
- WP Super Cache
- WP
- P3 Plugin Performance Profiler
Useful Readings
WordPress Tutorial for beginners
Why To Use Link Cloaking Plugins for Affiliate Marketers
Step 4- If you have followed the steps outlined above with all the plugins mentioned along with a premium theme, then your blog is ready to rock. Now you need to write few posts about your niche.
Useful Readings for Affiliate Marketing and Online Money Making
Top Affiliate Networks for Bloggers
Free Tools To Improve Your Website Performance
Email Marketing Tutorials
How To Set Up Email Marketing Campaign
Content Marketing with Email Marketing
Effective Email Marketing Tips for Bloggers
Best Email Autoresponder Software and Services
SEO Tools
Powered By MaxCDN Content Delivery Network
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